viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009


In this moment of the year, when finish month November, all the people remember who soon were finished the year. Well, for people who works, still they are several days or months to begin the vacations. But for us, university student, this is the last weeks to close the semester and to obtain our results. These days we will give the final works, we don’t know what will be the quality of the works, because in the final we are very are tired to spend nights without sleeping. and all we repeated ourselves does not lack much for the vacations. For example this day we give the last work before the examinations, it is for this reason we will celebrate all the night.
We will celebrate because we are so happy. Independent of the notes, that we will obtain, all companions evaluate the year, we felt happy for spending another semester.
My evaluation for this year in general is good. In the first semester, I have new activities, is for that I don’t think about the university, but I have good results. But for dancing or making sport, I had a better attitude, that’s why I love to do those things. Other reason that can explain this, may be the organization, because I could planify better my activities.
Besides, on first semester I like it more my subjects. However, with this news subjects I could know new perspectives of psychology and I could know my psychology interest.
In the second semester my attitude change, I follow make sport and dancing and for the university, I realize that it is necessary take the carrier seriously, that way I wanted learns but really learns, I wanted can use the information. Besides I wanted have good marks, because whit good marks I could choose the elective subject and I can concurs for be assistant of teachers.
Whit this attitudes in this semester I have good marks, and I have motivation because I like my carrier, whit all defect. But I know that I want dedicated really in psychology. In general the evaluation for this year, I think is good, because I can realize a lot activities, and learns, and enjoy whit my friends.

I think is for this year that I have more motivated for next year.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

All discipline need important challenges, when I was ingress a psychology career, the firsts classes teachers spoke us about the principal problems that are necessary to resolve, for example if psychology is a science or not, actually for this question there is more consensus, the psychology is a science, but like social science criticism one of the principal characteristic the objectivity. But in the career are different psychological currents, but are some who defend plus the objectivity. Other thing is the ethical problems in the experimentation, we can make investigations but always the persons are first. Internationally are APPA ethics.

The neurological area have advances if are more technological advances, New technology for know the brain and its relations. With the new technology in neurology is possible to generate advances in the psychiatry, for example they could make drugs with less effects disagreeable and the persons with psychopathology could have better quality in hers life’s.
In my opinion in Chile, the principal problems are the quality of the professional, the accredit career psychology are twelve university, but in Chile, all university have career psychology. I think that is irresponsible. The person’s trust of expert’s psychology, but the amount of psychologists with a bad professional training is too much. Is necessary be strict, for example only psychologists credited for clinical psychology can make therapy, because for example if the university Chile it shortens the career, it is difficult to have all the knowledge necessary to exert like psychologist.
In the context educational, for by the experiences that I know, the psychologist it is not considered for decision of the colleges, the psychology are the roll of experts for example who orient to the students in their vocational decision, but they have more important, they can for example make therapy for students drug addicts, or with familiar problems. The directors and professors are those that do not trust, but the students generally, following the psychologist they manage to have a good and nearer relation. Is for this reason, Is necessary to give the possibility to the children of going to a psychologist, but not because the professors consider that he bothers in classes, but to help them to live the situations.