viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

I think that to know a place is better to make the things than make the inhabitants of that city. Is for this reason the tourist or when we are the tourist we must talk whit people, to ask to them what activities they make and go to the place whit people because the persons know traditions, customs, food, place etc.

If I received a tourist probably I will go to different place. For example for lunch we will go to central market for eat “Chupe de mariscos” or other seafood. Later we will go to Moneda and we will take a walk for the center city, because always the center concentrates different people and different activities representative of this city. Also we will go to place of arms, forest park and san cristobal hill. Soon we will go to beautiful arts museum for look Chilean arts. And for to share the Chilean people way, we will can go to “La piojera” and I will invite the tourist to drink one two or three “terremoto” and “chicha”.
If the tourist is student he will go to Chile University because he will can see the activities that the student make and know young person for to share the days.