lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

Chan chan!

I like photography, i think the photo can say about the context historical, about the emotions, and reveal details that we cant register.
I like a French photographer of SXX , Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004), this famous photographer was the first photographer to expose in the museum Louvre, in Paris. He studied painting in Cambridge, but he begins take photos in 1931.
The reason because I like his photos is his style, he could take a photo in the precise moment , he could register a movements and expressions.I was looking at his photos and for me it is very difficult to choose one photo. But I have to. I like this photo in spite of being a 20th century picture, this photo shows a situation that is independent of the moment historical it is repeat in the time. And this photo reflects the life and daily tiredness. and! Chan chan!

1 comentario:

  1. I also like "natural pictures"!
    Some might say that our memory is like a great photographer, who takes pictures in a specific moment and in a specific way, and keeps it till the end...
