viernes, 2 de octubre de 2009

Oh! I like food, the food cheers the life and that is not joke. Lunch is a moment that reunites to the family while they enjoy with a good silver of food. We can use and always we can use of excuse an invitation to eat.
Also when we cook for others peoples is dedication and affection expression. I like when I arrives from a tired day and I know in the house rich food waits for me.
I like eat all type of meals it is therefore that always my family can go to de restaurant, we started off to eat food of different countries. We like the Mexican food, Chinese food, Japanese food, Spanish food, Peruvian food, Cuban food, Italian food, Brazilian food and other.
I don’t have a favorite food, but I like dish of marinated raw fish with very lemon, because I prefer acid flavors, for example I don’t like in general alcoholic drinks but when drinks have lemon is possible I drink a little.The food that I eat every day and I don’t bored is lettuce, It is mi addiction, I know is very healthy.
I like to cook for my friendly, but they risk because I do not cook very well, I prefer to cook pastry food. For example cakes or to share. Also the food is better in different clime, when is a raining day I want to eat “Sopaipillas”, and when is a warm day I like to take a ice cream .
mainly I recommend to eat in the “picadas” because there is nothing better than the homemade food

1 comentario:

  1. Francisca despite your ideas are clear enough there are many mistakes that you have to solve: grammar agreement, capital letters when necessary, the use of some words, among other things. Don't hesitate to ask for help!! Good!!!
