viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009
We will celebrate because we are so happy. Independent of the notes, that we will obtain, all companions evaluate the year, we felt happy for spending another semester.
My evaluation for this year in general is good. In the first semester, I have new activities, is for that I don’t think about the university, but I have good results. But for dancing or making sport, I had a better attitude, that’s why I love to do those things. Other reason that can explain this, may be the organization, because I could planify better my activities.
Besides, on first semester I like it more my subjects. However, with this news subjects I could know new perspectives of psychology and I could know my psychology interest.
In the second semester my attitude change, I follow make sport and dancing and for the university, I realize that it is necessary take the carrier seriously, that way I wanted learns but really learns, I wanted can use the information. Besides I wanted have good marks, because whit good marks I could choose the elective subject and I can concurs for be assistant of teachers.
Whit this attitudes in this semester I have good marks, and I have motivation because I like my carrier, whit all defect. But I know that I want dedicated really in psychology. In general the evaluation for this year, I think is good, because I can realize a lot activities, and learns, and enjoy whit my friends.
I think is for this year that I have more motivated for next year.
viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009
The neurological area have advances if are more technological advances, New technology for know the brain and its relations. With the new technology in neurology is possible to generate advances in the psychiatry, for example they could make drugs with less effects disagreeable and the persons with psychopathology could have better quality in hers life’s.
In my opinion in Chile, the principal problems are the quality of the professional, the accredit career psychology are twelve university, but in Chile, all university have career psychology. I think that is irresponsible. The person’s trust of expert’s psychology, but the amount of psychologists with a bad professional training is too much. Is necessary be strict, for example only psychologists credited for clinical psychology can make therapy, because for example if the university Chile it shortens the career, it is difficult to have all the knowledge necessary to exert like psychologist.
In the context educational, for by the experiences that I know, the psychologist it is not considered for decision of the colleges, the psychology are the roll of experts for example who orient to the students in their vocational decision, but they have more important, they can for example make therapy for students drug addicts, or with familiar problems. The directors and professors are those that do not trust, but the students generally, following the psychologist they manage to have a good and nearer relation. Is for this reason, Is necessary to give the possibility to the children of going to a psychologist, but not because the professors consider that he bothers in classes, but to help them to live the situations.
viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009
Free time
The activity I enjoy, is dancing. the truth is that it does not matter to me, in which place to dance, can be in the street, the university, the celebrations, the party’s, dancing class or in my house. I don’t matter that type of music, I likes dancing salsa, reggeton, pop, rock and roll, meringue, cumbia, rancheras, all music. But I prefer the cumbia, because is funny. Is for this reason, that I like go to the pubs, or theater a listen bands, it is better dancing with live music. For example all time ago, I want to go to Salsoteca for dancing with my boys friend ,friends, and persons of salsa class.
Other activity is see movies, in my opinion the movies give opening of mine. the movies they clear the mind, they are relaxing and entertain to us. They make us feel diverse emotions; we put ourselves in playing than it happens to the personages. We can choose the subject that we want to see, when I want to laugh and to cheer, I can see comedy film for example whit my famlily we went to see Shrek to the cinema, because my brother was youngest brother, and with this films all family can enjoy. In other situation, we can see romantics films, for example when my friend, who will not reveal the name, she is thinking about love and she want have a future a boys friend. Also always is good see the movies with food, and good company.
Finally, the other activity is take a walk to any place, I like going to the center and to watch entertained streets, and different people. I like going to the beach, hill, or encamp. I would like always know new places, but for the occupied days I can walk and equal I can relaxing.
viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009
Actually situation in Fasco is calm because we have not had conflict that that they must stop the classes or take the faculty, but facso have many problems that is necessary to surpass. The first conflict have relation with the participation, for example in October it has the election of representatives for bicentenary project, but we don’t have a true representative voting because they only vote a third of the faculty. This problems is reflected in the at classes and assemblies. I don’t have the solutions, I don’t know how to motivate all people. My classe in general don’t matter chose decisions about on its own course, carrer or faculty.
The second problems is about the possibility from access to the university, the carrer of psychology psychology to presented being against to extend the access, in my opinion is a good idea, but it need been analysts the errors so that they can have great consequences. The idea is open thirty quotas but in the carrier.
Some change or benefices for the college students, is for example mores computers, this was a problems because a final of semesters all people need makes the works!! And the computer was occupied all day!.
Futures recommendations are to make policies that improve the access, the relation whit community. Its necessary improve the relation teachers, directors and college students for to make projects together.
viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009
The music
Also the music accompanies the thoughts, we can in agreement, a song can defend ideas with which we felt identified or the melodies can generate emotions.
Is for that reason that I listen whenever I can. When I going to the university, when i walks on the streets, when take a shower, when I want celebrate with my friends, when I study, when I want to dancing, when I cook. The true I listen music all day.
it is said that the music have many benefits, is for that reason exist music therapy, for example It promotes intelligence or to diminish stress. I would say to them to all to listen to music, is difficult to me to think that anybody it does not like music.
Finally I write some pages with videos of songs that I like much. For example Kevin johansen, hector Lavoe and Bersuit Vergarabat.
viernes, 2 de octubre de 2009
Also when we cook for others peoples is dedication and affection expression. I like when I arrives from a tired day and I know in the house rich food waits for me.
I like eat all type of meals it is therefore that always my family can go to de restaurant, we started off to eat food of different countries. We like the Mexican food, Chinese food, Japanese food, Spanish food, Peruvian food, Cuban food, Italian food, Brazilian food and other.
I don’t have a favorite food, but I like dish of marinated raw fish with very lemon, because I prefer acid flavors, for example I don’t like in general alcoholic drinks but when drinks have lemon is possible I drink a little.The food that I eat every day and I don’t bored is lettuce, It is mi addiction, I know is very healthy.
I like to cook for my friendly, but they risk because I do not cook very well, I prefer to cook pastry food. For example cakes or to share. Also the food is better in different clime, when is a raining day I want to eat “Sopaipillas”, and when is a warm day I like to take a ice cream .
mainly I recommend to eat in the “picadas” because there is nothing better than the homemade food
viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009
If I received a tourist probably I will go to different place. For example for lunch we will go to central market for eat “Chupe de mariscos” or other seafood. Later we will go to Moneda and we will take a walk for the center city, because always the center concentrates different people and different activities representative of this city. Also we will go to place of arms, forest park and san cristobal hill. Soon we will go to beautiful arts museum for look Chilean arts. And for to share the Chilean people way, we will can go to “La piojera” and I will invite the tourist to drink one two or three “terremoto” and “chicha”.
If the tourist is student he will go to Chile University because he will can see the activities that the student make and know young person for to share the days.
viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009
One of the differences that I consider favorable is the intelligent card. the card function is to establish an integrated fare system, but in my opinion if people have this bip card, the bus driver has his attention in driving the bus and he does not have distractions like giving the change of money.
for example, I`ll tell you something about My experience with this new system, when it started, I had to take three buses to go to school from my house, the problem Is I had to go from two next burroughs.. for it is by this many times I was prefer go to my house walking because in bus and walking I was delayed one hour. But I like walking,
In my opinion , all system of public transportation it is going to have problems if all people have the same schedule, because in a city with 507.296 habitants is it is impossible that the system not colapse if all leave to the same hour. Until the metro in Paris city who have this transports since 1900 it would have problems. The reason this system not collapse is because the time of works is different. This solution make the public transportation more effective.
viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009
The solution is to dance
Furthermore in the past term I had a sport activity, entertaining dance , with many of my companions of classe, I liked go to dance because I was with but energy and the better face.
But the best of that term was when I met Pancho , my actually boyfriend and he invited me to dance salsa all the Wednesday, definitively it was the best activity, I enjoyed dancing because in that classe we dance “casino wheel”, the people formal a circle , soon changes constantly of pair and.
I can say that, I enjoy news subject , to share with my friendly and my family. I hope this term I continue enjoying.
lunes, 15 de junio de 2009
And that generally never would do daily. Really I don’t like the English, All my life I have hated English, is for that all this time never I have learned much. Before ten years old i loved English, but this year I had a teacher who I demotivate, reason why I do not know to speak or to write English as I would like.
For me this level has been difficult for want of knowledge and vocabulary but write in this blog is good for me because although is very boring for the class, I can learn new words and expressions, I can improve my capacity to write in English but still I must correct much.
I believe that perhaps he had been better to choose the subject but I know is more difficult for correct all bloggers. With more freedom for write maybe write in the blog would not be boring.
But I like have write about my carrier because in the future I will be able to read articles, new investigations, new theories in English and I will be able to criticize.
I liked write about the photography or the future but I don’t liked write about an professional or the technology.
In my opinion I think that the blog it would have for the house, because with more time we can write better and we can correct. Thus this hours we can to advance with others thing in English how speak. I would like can speak English very well.
the truth I do not know if really advance in blog because I did not strive much in writing. I hope to have improved something, to have acquired new words and better grammar. I have other course for learn English.
lunes, 8 de junio de 2009
My Ideal job
I want a work where I could create new proyects and that I could see more people that papers.
I don’t know that area of psychology I will choose. For that reason I don’t see myself future in a certain work, can be in communitarian psychology like also clinical. I could be work whit children or young peop
whit children or young people.
But I think I want to find a job in which the people can harness their capacities, I want to generate a space where the people develop what they like.
Also I must think about my future family and the money that I will win Ideally I would like to work in public service. but it is necessary to works separate more hours I believe that I would make consultation
lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009
I like this subject because is the subject that approach a know the works direct whit the patient, we can know real cases and we can put in practice what we learn when we go to the psychiatric hospital.
lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009
Personally i would like to maintain my friends, I would like to enjoy everything, I would not like be more bored whit the years.Professionally i want will be working in a place where I can to contribute. I don’t know now if I want works whit children or adults. For the future I will be living in other house, whit my friends . I would like living in many countries, for example city how Barcelona, Paris, Buenos Aires. For that I must works very much,
lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009
Roberto Aceituno
He have more the five books , and more that fifteen publications in books or magazines, where he write about Freud, psychiatry, childhood, sexuality, family, violent, symbolic, trauma, memory, lacan and etc.
lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009
My principal reason is that I think that the way for help and really give tools to people is psychology, because it is direct way with persons. I think that the people develop their capacities and abilities, they need to have a fine state of mind and no conflict that limit theirs lives. This is why the professional contributes to society, the professionals cover different areas where people have conflicts and they help people giving them tools to care their mental health.
When I am a professional, I think that is very important to be open mind for different manners for live. Also it is necessary for future that the psychology will be better valued for make more space and recourses in the public political, because not everything have solution whit medicine.
lunes, 27 de abril de 2009
A psychology website is one of my favorite psychology websites on the Internet. It was created by psichologists from Catholic University. I found it on google when I was searching for information I needed for an essay. Now I visit this site whenever I need ideas or have a doubt about some of the subjects I have to study, also when I am studying for a test and want to know more about a subject that I find interesting. I like this site because it’s easy to navigate because the articles are sorted by theme; for example, I can look for articles about psychiatry, epistemology or other branches of psychology. The articles are also organized by author, so if I need information about Freud or Lacan for example, I can find it easily, so even though the design isn’t very attractive because the colors of the site are ugly the information is very organized and there are many sources of information.
Chan chan!

I like a French photographer of SXX , Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004), this famous photographer was the first photographer to expose in the museum Louvre, in Paris. He studied painting in Cambridge, but he begins take photos in 1931.
The reason because I like his photos is his style, he could take a photo in the precise moment , he could register a movements and expressions.I was looking at his photos and for me it is very difficult to choose one photo. But I have to. I like this photo in spite of being a 20th century picture, this photo shows a situation that is independent of the moment historical it is repeat in the time. And this photo reflects the life and daily tiredness. and! Chan chan!
lunes, 13 de abril de 2009
My favorite piece of technology

I like this piece for several reasons, the ipod is like a small hard disc when you can use it for music, photos and archive. Also it has calendar, games, list of contact andyou can put important information.
I like ipod nano, I use it to listen to music, it has more capacity. I can put around 1000 songs.
I like more than Mp3 beacuse the music is organized for artists, albums, songs, genres, and composers.
I got an ipod when my father went to USA TO works. he bougth it cheaper. And Since I have ipod I use it for study, walk, partys etc.
lunes, 6 de abril de 2009
I have to write in English but i dont like very much. My challenge is learn english beacause I want to speake and write for university.